Thursday, 16 January 2014

Handling Life and Work

         School, College and University all these have claimed to prepare a student for life, they say they will help you tackle the real world and will turn you into a successful person. Of course, they teach you things like talk and calculate and depending on your major in college you may even end up as a doctor, an engineer or even a lawyer. The perfect kid each and every parent dreams of. You are trained to live the perfect life, follow the rules, know the rules, following a role model as if we were sheep. Ironically, a sheep is exactly what you can call someone who is a product of this educational system. Guided right from the beginning to follow a certain path that leads to the so called "success" and become a "successful person". Were the success can be measured, where you are made to believe that this "success" is actually quantifiable, it is assumed to be tangible, a product of how much you remember, how quickly you can find the answer. How accurate you are with your hands. Does this really qualify for the measurement of such a thing. Maybe the term success at least in schools should be called progress or something of such sorts.

        Now how useful is this quantifiable success. How much does it actually affect your actual productive as well as creative ability. Once we get out of such a place where we are almost ushered to get through and once you get to the real world you soon realize that the things that were valued in the closed campuses are completely irrelevant to the life outside. You cannot possible write down a schedule for everyday of your life, and sometimes if not always things will never go according to plan. You go to a  pub and nobody cares on how booze much you are able to guzzle down. You go to the saloon and come out and not a single person is going to notice your hair. Nobody cares if you have a shiny new watch or even bother to look at your new shoes.

       You somehow manage to get out with stellar grades and get yourself a  job and now you realize that you don't have enough time to do what you were used to doing. Suddenly the most valuable possession of your's is your time. You start to plan and structure it, you cut down on your social life, you stop doing things you enjoy doing all because you feel it is a waste of time and finally you just accept the fact that change is inevitable. You are not what you were. You now have a responsibility and as if one is not enough you have a plethora of different responsibilities. You are responsible for the money your boss makes. You are responsible for not meeting your friends. You are responsible for the fact that you cannot find enough time to take a couple days off. You have this obligation to pay your taxes and your other debts and loans.

       How much time does it take for you to realize that there is something wrong with the way we are looking at things, how much time does it take for us to realize that there is a problem somewhere. So what is this problem, why is it that we are incapable of finding free time. Some try to go back to the old ways, and try to plan out their entire life.If that's the case then where is the opportunity to start something new, where is the gap for those new experiences the great authors have raved on about in great length in their works.

      The solution to such a problem is not learned in school because it is simply left ignored, the schedule is too perfect for such discrepancies to creep in. So we set on about to emulate such a perfect system, and realize that it is to no avail. It does not fit in with how the world works because more than often almost all of our plans involve at least another person and the only way this perfect system of management is going to work is that the entire world follows such a perfect system like clockwork. But it is clearly observable that the scenario outside school is far different from anything like that.

      We require a better form of management, something that is more dynamic and something that can accommodate mistakes and inaccuracies that happen while planning. So let's look at our options here.

1. Conventional Way - Write down a schedule and follow it and hope that those included in the schedule also follow it.In this you just jolt down all your projects and write down a schedule for everything and follow it till the given task is completed. But mostly always leads to missing deadlines

2. Dynamic Approach - In this have a prior situation report on each and every project and change the plans and try to make up time with proper planning. This is possibly the best method but has too many variables to keep track of and too many people to communicate with.

3. Deadline Priority - In this all you do is do the work to which the deadline is closest and plan the rest of the schedule accordingly. List all the projects based on the deadline and follow the list and work on the tasks accordingly. Chasing deadlines is not the best of feelings.

4. Importance Priority - The most important works are given a higher priority status and the lesser important works are left to be tackled with on another day. Maybe the best way to handle the projects based on the importance of the projects but this delays the unimportant projects sometimes resulting in long delays in completing them.

5. Interrupt Priority - Work on the project that has the highest requirement of your attention. You get called on only whenever something goes wrong and relies a lot on trusting others to complete the work hence you are not able to focus on the work at hand.

     So well there are a few ways we can manage our time, maybe a combination of all of the following ways can help better manage our time and we can probably save some time in the process. This means that there is some proper planning to be done in your part and maybe it is a good thing maybe it will improve your time management ability as every body knows time is money.

    You read anywhere that time management is key. Getting things done on time or well before time leaves us with the essential free time which we so very crave for. Thus letting us learn new things, build new relations or simply unwind. Everybody would love more time in their hands and it's all up to them to get it. Of course different techniques have their advantages and disadvantages but it is up to us to assess them and utilize the ones that best suit our needs.

   Thus, when you have time left from work you will have more time to handle life and that is all that matters.

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